Dual tube and discreet sampling systems
Capabilities for direct push, auger, rock coring, and air rotary with (4) 7822DT machines
Direct push drive rods up to 4” diameter for installing prepacked wells
Low clearance and tight access capabilities
In-situ chemical injections using PAIP
1”, 2”, and 4” monitoring wells
Air rotary with percussion hammers up to 17” diameter
Air rotary with simultaneous casing advancement up to 18” diameter
Mud rotary drilling up to 23” diameter
Hollow stem augers up to 12” diameter
Continuous split spoon with SPT and rock coring NQ, HQ, PQ
Spin casing and casing advancers up to 5” diameter
ATV and low clearance
Vacuum Excavation/Soft dig/Airknife
Well decommissioning
Well redevelopment and enhancement/rehabilitation services
Packer testing up to 12” diameter borings
Hydrofracking of open borehole wells
Borehole video surveys
Well yield/pumping tests